There is a great difference between the traditional “levels of interactivity” for asynchronous eLearning and interactions. Levels of interactivity delineate the mechanical complexity used during the request for proposal (RFP) and proposal stages of business development, sales, and contracting to determine scope and pricing for an eLearning project. Interactions, on the other hand, have to do with the actual design of the eLearning project to bring about the desired performance change. To focus on the type of interactions we need to design, we must understand what we are trying to accomplish with them so we need look at Bloom’s taxonomy. We have interactivity (mechanical) and interactions (instructional). How do we work with both to achieve what we want for our learners?

In this session, you’ll explore the differences between interactivity and instructional interactions. You’ll find ways to align the simplicities and complexities of each to accomplish your learning objectives (both instructional and performance objectives). You’ll learn a methodical, reproducible process you can take back to your organization to start building better eLearning courses immediately.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The different levels of eLearning interactivity
  • How to apply Bloom’s taxonomy to instructional and performance objectives
  • How to create instructional interactions using the different levels of interactivity
  • How to create performance interactions using the different levels of interactivity

Novice through advanced designers, developers, project managers, and managers who are familiar with eLearning-design strategies.

