Project managers will tell you that you only get to pick two from the options of good, fast, and cheap. You can have it fast and cheap, but it won’t be good! You can have it fast and good, but it will cost you! What do you do, then, if having only two just won’t do? When push comes to shove on projects (and it often does), you need to know what options you have to make sure your project is on budget, on time, and on target.

In this session, you’ll examine which formal project management strategies can be used on rapid development projects and which ones should be tossed out for something more flexible. You’ll look at what needs to happen before the project begins, how to stay on top of everything during the project, and what to do when things don’t go according to plan.

In this session, you will learn:

  • To identify the real drivers of project constraints
  • To crash a schedule without making major sacrifices for cost and quality
  • To manage expectations, roles and responsibilities, and communication to keep your project streamlined
  • To determine where extra time and money add value and when you can get away with shaving a little bit off
  • To create a back-up plan for when things go wrong
  • To use online tools to manage both the big picture and the little details

